Saturday, February 2, 2008


Apparently the flu is here. I will continue to work but am pretty much out of commision right now. I was up all night and have been in bed all day. My hubby brought my laptop into our room for me and hopefully I can get some of my green information up for you. Some of it is seen in my site plan. So...don't panic if I'm not blogging!


David Streebin said...

Sorry to hear you have it... set the laptop off to the side and rest!

I traveled out of town Monday and Tuesday and came home with the "bug". Starting to drag myself back with the living...

I do agree with Eddie, I want to see a picture of the kids... they must help you blog!

Get to feeling better.

Amr Raafat said...

Wish you speedy recovery Jaclyn.

You doing great.


Gerry said...

Feb 2
Get well fast – I just had my flu shot!
Jan 20 redux
Tower urge good urban response – the visual link with other BAC buildings and with Back Bay seems increasingly important as we develop the designs. Good follow up by studying the Gehry building. Your colored façades could be interesting and expressive of climate and/or interior – are the colors a little primary for Boston? Should they relate to the neighborhood? You already know about the need to marry your buildings together using site and elevations – good luck.

Jaclyn said...

Thanks for all the well wishes. The headache and stiff neck were better by yesterday afternoon (or the drugs are masking it) and nausea is still around if I eat, so I am holding out on that. Back at work today as we have a project to get out. I will begin posting again tonight. I will also respond to all the comments tonight.

werner said...

and superball had nothing to do with it...
wish you quick recovery

Jaclyn said...

Your funny!!! I was actually not happy since I had to work on my computer during the game as I wasn't able to work much on Saturday as I previously planned due to the stomach issue!!! My husband thought I was going to throw my laptop at the TV a couple times!!! I will admit, I had to put the laptop down the last quarter or it and the TV would have been broken! Hey, a 30 minute break is allowed isn't it?

Matt Anderle said...


You sounded better on the phone today than yesterday... hope this passes quickly.

werner said...

on my TV only the last 3 minutes were realy game changing...
Of course I have no idea what I'm talking about since it is to me just another (silly) game...
So I'm glad you didn't have to destroy a lot of equipment out of frustration that your team was out there beieng paid all that money. Oh wait, they are working oh so hard.

werner said...

on my TV only the last 3 minutes were realy game changing...
Of course I have no idea what I'm talking about since it is to me just another (silly) game...
So I'm glad you didn't have to destroy a lot of equipment out of frustration that your team was out there beieng paid all that money. Oh wait, they are working oh so hard.

Eddie Alvarado said...

Such a popular post, I had to stop by and say I hope you are feeling better Jaclyn. By the way who are these SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS? :-P Go Sox!

Jaclyn said...

Three lead changes in the 4h quarter, a Superbowl record and you say it wasn't exciting except the last 3 min.??? HA! I am going to train you to love sports before I leave the BAC!!! I was actually telling my husband about the conversation you and I had in Boston and was thinking to myself, he's right, it's 50/50, wht get all hyped up? But I gotta tell you, the rush from it makes it all worth it!

On a side note, I finally ate w/o feeling sick! So back into the full swing of things. I should have my code anaylisis up tonight. It may not be the final final but it will be up for review and then I can finalize it at the end of the week. Thanks for all the well wishes guys!